Yun Li (李贇)

2019 PHD student of Tsinghua University
FIT 4-206 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 100084
[email protected]
Network and Information Security Lab (NISL)
Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace

Research Interests

  • Applied Cryptography (MPC, ZKP)



  1. ZKCPlus: Optimized Fair-exchange Protocol Supporting Practical and Flexible Data Exchange
    Yun Li, Cun Ye, Yuguang Hu, Ivring Morpheus, Yu Guo, Chao Zhang, Yupeng Zhang, Zhipeng Sun, Yiwen Lu and Haodi Wang. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2021.
  2. Efficient 3PC for Binary Circuits with Application to Maliciously-Secure DNN Inference
    Yun Li, Yufei Duan, Zhicong Huang, Cheng Hong, Chao Zhang, Yifan Song. USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2023.
  3. RAProducer: efficiently diagnose and reproduce data race bugs for binaries via trace analysis
    Ming Yuan, YeseopLee, Chao Zhang, Yun Li, Yan Cai, Bodong Zhao. ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2021.
  4. ATOS: Adaptive Program Tracing With Online Control Flow Graph Support
    He Sun, Chao Zhang, He Li, Zhenhua Wu, Lifa Wu, Yun Li IEEE Access, 2019