Yiming Zhang (张一铭)

Postdoc, Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University
FIT 4-204, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China
zhangyiming # tsinghua.edu.cn

Professional Experience

  • 2022 - Present: Postdoc Researcher, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.


  • 2017 - 2022: Ph.D. in Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
  • 2013 - 2017: B.Sc. in Dept. of Physics (Major in Mathematics and Physics), Tsinghua University

Research Interests

  • Security of Internet Infrastructures
  • Data Driven Security
  • Cellular Security



  1. [SIGMETRICS’ 23] Detecting and Measuring Security Risks of Hosting-Based Dangling Domains. Mingming Zhang, Xiang Li, Baojun Liu, Jianyu Lu, Yiming Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Haixin Duan, Shuang Hao, Xiaofeng Zheng. International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Jun., 2023.

  2. [ESORICS’ 22] Exploring the Characteristics and Security Risks of Emerging Emoji Domain Names. Mingxuan Liu, Yiming Zhang, Baojun Liu, Haixin Duan. The 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Sep., 2022.

  3. [EthiCS’ 22] Ethics in Security Research: Visions, Reality, and Paths Forward. Yiming Zhang, Mingxuan Liu, Mingming Zhang, Chaoyi Lu, Haixin Duan. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ethics in Computer Security, Jun., 2022.

  4. [WiSec’ 22] Measuring the Deployment of 5G Security Enhancement. Shiyue Nie, Yiming Zhang, Tao Wan, Haixin Duan, Song Li. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, May 16-19, 2022.

  5. [ACSAC’ 21] Detecting and Characterizing SMS Spearphising Attacks. Mingxuan Liu, Yiming Zhang, Baojun Liu, Zhou Li, Haixin Duan, Donghong Sun. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, online, December, 2021.

  6. [CCS’ 21] Rusted Anchors: A National Client-Side View of Hidden Root CAs in the Web PKI Ecosystem. Yiming Zhang, Baojun Liu, Chaoyi Lu, Zhou Li, Haixin Duan, Jiachen Li, Zaifeng Zhang. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, virtual, November, 2021.

  7. [Globecom’ 21] On Evaluating Delegated Digital Signing of Broadcasting Messages in 5G. Hui Gao, Yiming Zhang, Tao Wan, Jia Zhang, Haixin Duan. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference 2021, Madrid, Spain, December, 2021.

  8. [NDSS ’21] From WHOIS to WHOWAS: A Large-Scale Measurement Study of Domain Registration Privacy under the GDPR. Chaoyi Lu, Baojun Liu, Yiming Zhang, Zhou Li, Fenglu Zhang, Haixin Duan, Ying Liu, Joann Qiongna Chen, Jinjin Liang, Zaifeng Zhang, Shuang Hao and Min Yang. In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2021, Virtual event, February 2021.

  9. [CCS’ 20] Lies in the Air: Characterizing Fake-base-station Spam Ecosystem in China. Yiming Zhang, Baojun Liu, Chaoyi Lu, Zhou Li, Haixin Duan, Shuang Hao, Mingxuan Liu, Ying Liu, Dong Wang and Qiang Li In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Virtual Event, November 2020.

  10. [IJCAI’ 20] Argot: Generating Adversarial Readable Chinese Texts. Zihan Zhang, Mingxuan Liu, Chao Zhang, Yiming Zhang, Zhou Li, Qi Li, Haixin Duan and Donghong Sun. In Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Yokohama, Japan, July, 2020.

  11. [EuroS&P’ 19] TraffickStop: Detecting and Measuring Illicit Traffic Monetization Through Large-scale DNS Analysis. Baojun Liu, Zhou Li, Peiyuan Zong, Chaoyi Lu, Haixin Duan, Ying Liu, Sumayah Alrwais, Xiaofeng Wang, Shuang Hao, Yaoqi Jia, Yiming Zhang, Kai Chen and Zaifeng Zhang. In Proceedings of 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2019.


  1. [TDSC’ 22] Automatic Generation of Adversarial Readable Chinese Texts. Mingxuan Liu, Zihan Zhang, Yiming Zhang, Chao Zhang, Zhou Li, Qi Li, Haixin Duan and Donghong Sun. The IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.

  2. 教育类官网推广感染研究 王郁,张一铭, 张甲,段海新 通信学报,2018.9, 39(Z1): 78~85


External Reviewers

  • NDSS’20,22
  • DSN’20
  • ESORICS’18,19
  • ICICS’19
  • EthiCS’23