Hao Wang (王皓)

2020 PHD candidate student of Tsinghua University
FIT 4-206 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 100084
[email protected]
Network and Information Security Lab (NISL)
Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace
CTFer of Redbud and Tea Deliverers


  • 2020 - Current: Ph.D. candidate in Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University
  • 2016 - 2020: B.E. in Information Security, University of Science and Technology of Chinese (USTC)

Research Interests

  • Large Language Models
  • AI for Security
  • Binary Code Analysis
  • Fuzzing

Project Experience

  • Machine Language Model [Official Website] [Report] (July 2023 - Present)

    Lead Researcher of machine language model project in collaboration with VUL337 and 01.AI

  • Convolutional Code Search with Layer-wise Attention (July 2019 - June 2020)

    Research Intern at Microsoft Research Asia, Machine Learning Group, Stars of Tomorrow Internship

    Mentors: [Jiang Bian], [Jia Zhang]

Awards and Honors


  1. CLAP: Learning Transferable Binary Code Representations with Natural Language Supervision [paper] [code] [model]

    Hao Wang, Zeyu Gao, Chao Zhang, Zihan Sha, Mingyang Sun, Yuchen Zhou, Wenyu Zhu, Wenju Sun, Han Qiu, Xi Xiao.\

    To appear in the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’24)

  2. CEBin: A Cost-Effective Framework for Large-Scale Binary Code Similarity Detection [paper] [code]

    Hao Wang, Zeyu Gao, Chao Zhang, Mingyang Sun, Yuchen Zhou, Han Qiu, Xi Xiao.\

    To appear in the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’24)

  3. How Far Have We Gone in Vulnerability Detection Using Large Language Models [paper] [code] [media report(Chinese)]

    Zeyu Gao, Hao Wang, Yuchen Zhou, Wenyu Zhu, Chao Zhang. ArXiv 2023

  4. kTrans: Knowledge-Aware Transformer for Binary Code Embedding [paper]

    Wenyu Zhu, Hao Wang, Yuchen Zhou, Jiaming Wang, Zihan Sha, Zeyu Gao, Chao Zhang. ArXiv 2023

  5. jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer for Binary Code Similarity Detection [paper] [code] [media report(Chinese)]

    Hao Wang, Wenjie Qu, Gilad Katz, Wenyu Zhu, Zeyu Gao, Han Qiu, Jianwei Zhuge, Chao Zhang
    In the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’22), Daejeon, South Korea, July 2022

  6. COSEA: Convolutional code search with layer-wise attention [paper]

    Hao Wang, Jia Zhang, Yingce Xia, Jiang Bian, Chao Zhang, Tie-Yan Liu. ArXiv 2020