Weizhong Li (李伟中)

Tsinghua University, Network and Information Security Lab, a Master candidate in 2017.
[email protected], blog, repo


  • I received my B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in July 2015.

Research Interests

  • Protocol Security
  • CDN Security



  1. CDN Backfired: Amplification Attacks Based on HTTP Range Requests (Accepted) Weizhong Li, Kaiwen Shen, Run Guo, Baojun Liu, Jia Zhang*, Haixin Duan*, Shuang Hao, Xiarun Chen, Yao Wang In the 50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020), VALÈNCIA, SPAIN, June 2020

  2. CDN Judo: Breaking the CDN DoS Protection with Itself Run Guo, Weizhong Li(Equal contribution), Baojun Liu, Shuang Hao, Jia Zhang*, Haixin Duan*, Kaiwen Shen, Jianjun Chen, Ying Liu In the 2020 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2020), San Diego, CA, USA, Feb 2020