陈凯翔 (Kaixiang Chen)

清华大学 清华大学网络与信息安全实验室 18级博士研究生
[email protected]
#紫荆花#、#蓝莲花# 成员


  • 构建自动化、智能化软件安全分析与防御平台
  • 软件与系统安全,AI与安全
  • 漏洞分析(挖掘、利用、缓解)
  • 恶意代码分析(检测)
  • 物联网及区块链等应用安全



  1. Exploit-oriented Automated Information Leakage
    Songtao Yang, Kaixiang Chen, Zhun Wang, Chaozhang* In the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Journal of Software’22), Xian, China, Dec 2021

  2. VScape: Assessing and Escaping Virtual Call Protections
    Kaixiang Chen, Chao Zhang*, Tingting Yin, Xingman Chen, Lei Zhao
    In USENIX Security (Sec’21), virtual, Aug 2021

  3. iDEV: Exploring and Exploiting Semantic Deviations in ARM Instruction Processing
    Shisong Qin, Chao Zhang*, Kaixiang Chen, Zheming Li
    In the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’21), virtual, July 2021

  4. Revery: from Proof-of-Concept to Exploitable (One Step towards Automatic Exploit Generation)
    Yan Wang, Chao Zhang*, Xiaobo Xiang, Zixuan Zhao, Wenjie Li, Xiaorui Gong, Bingchang Liu, Kaixiang Chen, Wei Zou
    In the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’18), Toronto, Canada, Oct 2018